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Overall impression: My overall impression of the scene is that we are about to have a learning experience and also there is a sense of magic and imagination that is giving the scene a certain type of tone. I say that I felt as though there is going to be a learning experience by usage of specific sounds. In film sound and music is extremely influential, especially horror, however the sounds that are like wind chimes give off a feeling of suspense not in a sense of horror but inspirational almost like the audience is about to be enlightened almost. And in regards to the magical and imaginative aspect, that aura comes from the neon lights shining lights everywhere that take up the black background. I'm left happy by this scene because I was right in my thought that we learned something and also it was short enough to give the point and reasoning for why Pi had to leave the island. This scene helps set a tone for the film by giving us insight on Pis thought process and he trusts his gut extremely well and knows when and when not to continue with something. 


Notes: The glow from below shines onto his face lighting up his body setting apart from the rest of the backdrop (tree, vines). How did they do the thing with the little meerkats everywhere and specifically the one that crawls off of him when he gets up? Camera angle is a continuous shot starting from almost eye level and then moving down below the actor and the tree panning upward looking at him from below. Quick jump to directly above actor (full view of the pool of water below and part of tree and Pi). All of the water and the bubbles and spinning looks really awesome (the color really helps give a magical feeling). Cuts back to looking at Pi from below (this time shot isn’t full body and is just his upper body, does not follow rule of thirds). Cuts back to only birds eye view of the pool of water (no tree anymore). Different angle now at the side of actor and he turns his head and then the camera angle changes to let the view see what Pi is seeing (huge overview of this island forest and in the middle of the screen in a small opening out to the ocean and within it you see the boat with the small outline of the tiger). Cut and get closer to the tiger, Cuts to behind the tiger (a little below him, everything is centered, you now see the view of the tiger looking back at the boy, the water below the boat looks so cool). Cut straight to a straight on view of the entire island with the bright glowing blue color surrounding the edge with the stairs in the sky (really amazing shot). First slow fade back to the boy and is looking at him from above. Quick close up into his hands feeling away the leaves of the plant (did that purposefully because if you kept it at the entire shot from above looking at him you wouldn't be able to see what was in the plant which is a vital part of the scene). Cuts to shot of the boys face looking at the plant (glow from the plat is on his face, then cuts back to plant). At 1:40 the scene stops showing parts of when Pi was on the island and now goes to his time being interview by the guy in him home. Shot of the two of the men (one in a chair the other on a couch) kitchen in the background. A lot of quick shots back and forth between the two men. No use of rule of thirds. Everything is centered. Only the wind chime noises when we are seeing the island parts no voices or dialogue


Impact/Message of the Scene: I have brought this up in my overall impression and my notes when I was watching the scene more closely but I think the usage of quick cuts throughout the entire scene is because it shows the hectic mindset that was going through Pi's head when he realized where he was and the danger that he was in (when he saw the tooth in the plant and the acid water that was killing all the animals). Through and through I think this scene was important because it was a realization moment for Pi and the message that is being sent to the viewer is that people need to be observant and go with their gut because you never know when you might have to escape a dangerous situation and reading the signs that nature is giving you is an extremely important aspect that his movie touches on not only in this scene but many others and Pi is trying to make his way back to civilization after being trapped on a boat at sea with a tiger for 227 days until being discovered. 




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