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Interviewer #1

DP #1

Interviewee #1

Getting to interview Jordan was really enjoyable considering I learned a lot about her that I didn't know before. I tried to ask her questions that were related to each other so the interview ran more smoothly. When it came to editing I tried to get a lot of B-roll directly from her that was related to what she was talking about, such as her and her dogs when she was talking about how she wanted to work with animals when she's older. The hardest thing to deal with in this video was the noise in the background. We filmed in the English office and there was a loud noise coming from the heater that the mic picked up on that I had to learn how to fix. Mary taught me how to use the "noise" editing button to make the noise from the heater quite which was really helpful. I enjoyed finding b-roll for this video and learning more about Jordan and her family. 

Being DP was a reinforcement on both how much I enjoyed being behind the camera but also ow much I forgot how to do. I had to be taught again how to initialize the sd card although using the rule of thirds of easy to set up. I had to make sure there wasn't anything in the background that was distracting from Egan but also that there was enough so it wasn't boring to the eye. The lighting was really good in the room so we didn't have to mess with anything on the camera to fix the lighting which was good but overall I needed to be reminded of how to doing the small things with the camera to make sure the shots looked as good as possible. I remember halfway though filming I though the camera was tilted but I was wrong and also realized that I would have to just keeping going anyway because the rest of the film was shooting that way so we had to keep the shot consistent. I look forward to doing another interview and making it even better than this time.  

Being interviewed has never been something I enjoyed doing because being asked questions on the spot is not an easy task for me. I had to remember to rephrase the questions after being asked them because otherwise whoever was listening wouldn't have direct context on what it was I was talking about. Additionally I had to remember to continue looking at Egan when answering the questions and not the camera which was hard a few times because when thinking about the answers I'm giving it's easy to look all over the room. When giving answers I tried my best to give full sentenced or more answers so I would try to elaborate on different things so when editing Egan had more to work with and not a ton of small little broken up clips. I look forward to being interviewed again and seeing what type of progress I can make as an interviewee. 

Interviewer #2

DP #2

Something I learned when interviewing Jordan for my last film was that it doesn't flow smoothly when you ask a ton of unrelated questions. With that said when I interviewed Egan I tried to make it more "story-like" compared to a bunch of random questions that don't fit well together. Something I would change though is the chair Egan was sitting in. Honestly not until after I was done editing did I realize that the sweatshirt and the chair he's sitting in are both red so it doesn't look that great. When it came to the editing process There wasn't near as much "noise" as there was in my first one which was good but I still did have to play around with the noise to make sure there wasn't any humming in the background. The most difficult part was having to delete clips because the film was originally 4 minutes long  so I had to take out a lot of clips that I liked in order for it the flow well. Lastly it was extremely difficult tot get B-roll because in the first clip he's talking about his drive to school and there wasn't much i could put in besides the map of his house to BBA. Also he doesn't have pictures of him and his family, or at least him and his brother, so that was out of the picture. Also getting pictures of his old school was very hard and I spent a lot of timing looking but had no luck.  

Being DP for this interview was a lot better than the first time because I learned a lot more. Mary taught me how to focus everything in the shot by using the + button twice and it was really helpful. Also we had to play with the lighting a lot, especially when I was DP, because Steven wears glasses so I had to make sure there wasn't a glare in his glasses or you couldn't see the light itself in his glasses. We were in a pretty tight space for filming but we made it work and I really enjoyed how the shot looked. The background was much more interesting to look at compared to my first interview. The books in the background and visually really nice and overall my time being DP was much more successful and I learned a lot more.    

Interviewee #2

Having Steven interview me was really really hard. Normally people ask pretty simple questions such as what I like to do, what classes I take, and what sports I participate in. Steven on the other hand asked me extremely deep questions that really made me think. Asking things like what I though the meaning of life was and what emotion tends to make up most of my life were both questions I had to take a few minutes to think about becuase I had no idea. However I really liked being asked stuff like that because it's not something I'm normally asked and it made for a good interview. Even though I tend to go for the more story-line interview Steven asked me questions that weren't really related but they were substantial enough to really make me think and overall I think we did a really nice job piecing it all together.   

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