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What are your hobbies?

Ever since I was young I’ve had a consistent “go go go” attitude. I’m always doing something whether it’s playing sports, listening to music, spending time with my family and friends, rearranging my room, hiking, going on Pinterest, or even taking part in marches and rallies in Washington D.C. I love always having something to do and hopefully getting into cinematography will allow me to document all these things I enjoy doing and sharing them with others.


Why did you join this class?

Sophomore year I was able to get a space in this class and although I was extremely excited and had a lot of plans and ideas for what I wanted to do I never accomplished them. Now being a senior I have the confidence now to do what I want and make up for the lost opportunities I had.  


What do you hope to gain from taking this class?

Just like most people of course I have the goal of being nominated for a Gawlik award. However as badly as I may want that fame and glory something I want to gain from this class is the ability for me to make at least one film that I really really love. Being a teenager many things that I do I critique and criticize everything I do but I would like to push that aside and do something that I am really proud of by the end of this class.  


What are three of your favorite movies?

Caddyshack, Get Out, and Uncle Drew


What type of films would you like to make?

Recently Henry Kornaros, a BBA alum who is now studying cinematography in college and doing it for a living, came into our class and showed us one of his films he recently made that he thought was “trash”. I was blown away by that video and it was extremely impressive, not to mention the fact he had to put it together in 6 hours. Although I don’t want to be Henry I want to have the confidence and diligence that he has even though I’m not as passionate about cinematography. With that said when it comes to films I would like to make I find myself being interested in films such as live action because I know I personally love watching them and the video that Henry shared that he put together from that concert is something I would be interested in. Additionally on a lighter side I would like to work on some commercials because they tend to be really funny and it takes a really creative idea to be nominated for a commercial and it would be really rewarding to have that opportunity. 

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