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News Story Ideas
I want to provide everyone with something that they are going to find entertaining, but at the same time insightful. With that said some ideas I have for news stories are: 
  • The Pollock Prosthetic Project 
  • New seats in the english/history classrooms
  • Rock climbing team 
  • Next Chapter Cafe 
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Sophomore year I was assigned to work on specifically the “international question” every time we did news so getting to do something different this year was really enjoyable. It was really simple to get interviews done quickly because we have so many seniors in our class which was very convenient.

As simple as an idea “senioritis” seems, coming up with the idea to do this as a news story was pretty difficult. My group consisted of Jake Nicholson, Oscar Loomis, and myself and actually our original idea was to do a news story on Planned Parenthood but there were difficulties in regards to interviewing so we had to come up with different ideas. We knew we wanted to do something simple where we wouldn’t have to take people out of important classes to film them; additionally a factor that came into play was that we wanted our story to be timely because otherwise it wouldn’t interest people. With all of that said we came to the idea of how senioritis takes a role at BBA and the effects others are facing/have seen.

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Filming this news story was really fun and it’s so satisfying seeing how beautiful the shots turn out when you put them into final cut. We were really lucky to be able to film outside for the days we did because the weather for the first set of clips was perfect because it was warm and sunny so people didn’t mind sitting outside of the library in the chair. Also even though our second day of interviewing the weather wasn’t as warm the sun was perfect and gave such a good tone on everyone's face. Oscar was our DP and he did a really great job of setting up the camera exactly where it should be, obviously he worked the rule of thirds well, and he used the trick that Mary introduced me too which made it so you could either focus or defocus the background. Jake and I setup the lighting when it was needed, checked in on the camera work to make sure it was what we felt worked best, and switched back and forth asking the questions. We wanted to ask people questions that were specific enough so that they gave us detailed answers as well as broad ones where the answers could be varied and up to the interviewees interpretation. Something I had to remind the interviewee’s was that they needed to rephrase the question so that those who were watching understand the context of their answers. We wanted some diversity which is why we asked 2 teachers instead of all students; however, it would’ve been interesting to hear from someone who doesn't believe in senioritis. When it came to editing Oscar took that position and he did a really great job. He had to adjust the color correction so all the clips looked the same and work with the sound so the voices were similar sounding in tone. We didn’t really plan on getting B-Roll for this news segment but we decided that if we got two shots of B-Roll to put in it would be better. With that said we got a shot of Jake N and I sitting at the desk doing stupid things on the laptop, which ended up being really funny, and a clip of Colby running down the hill to the senior lot which also ended up fitting in really well. Overall this process went very smoothly and I’m very pleased with how it turned out.  

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